Terms and Conditions

The following terms & conditions cover the National Music Trivia Company (NMTC) policy for all businesses that engages this business to provide trivia-based services.

All content provided by the NMTC, remains the exclusive property of the NMTC.

The NMTC will confirm all bookings with venues prior to the first booked event by email. This will state all particulars and be deemed a “Regular Booking” if there is a weekly, fortnightly or monthly booking of three or more dates.

All initial invoices will be requested to be paid in advance of the first booked event.

Thereafter, all invoices are sent out at the start of each week and are asked to be paid by the end of that week if the event falls between a Monday to a Thursday.

If the event falls on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday, then payment credit terms will be extended to the Friday of the following week.

These terms may only be changed if agreed to in writing between the NMTC and venue.

All prices quoted will exclude GST but is included on the invoices for payment.

For regular bookings, if an event is cancelled as a one-off and less than 2 weeks’ notice is given, then a 50% cancelation fee will apply and is invoiced at the start of that week to the venue for payment.

If a “Regular Booking” venue wishes to cancel all bookings, then a 2 week notice period is required. If a venue wishes to cease booked events, then a 2-week charge will apply for Regular weekly bookings. If there is a fortnightly or monthly booking cancelled/ceased, then one booking fee will be charged and invoiced.

The NMTC, can provide shows to remote areas or to businesses as a one-off event. This type of service will be charged and paid for before the date of the booked event.

If during any event, it is deemed that the venue’s management wishes for the event to be halted, for whatever reasons, the NMTC will offer and provide (DJ with music played) for the remainder of the booked time slot to any venue.

If at any time a venue, does not pay, or an account is overdue (Up to two invoices), then the NMTC, can choose not to continue to perform any further booked shows, until such outstanding invoices are paid in full.

If in the event of having to pursue any overdue amount or outstanding amount with “Small claims”, then the venue shall pay any further costs accumulated for such processes.

The NMTC will provide trained hosts for any booked event, if the normal host is unable to attend for any reasonable circumstances.

If a show is provided to any company, organisation, venue, charity or club to run and operate as their own, then the property is provided for the use of the booked show only. Under no circumstances is anybody directly or indirectly involved, allowed to attempt to copy, change or amend any of the content provided. Once the show has been run, then the NMTC shall retain the rights to that show and access shall be withdrawn after the dated event.

If there is any apparent attempt to copy, change or amend any of the content provided, then the NMTC retains the right to legally pursue any further renumeration or associated costs

The Recipient acknowledges that Data remains at all times the property and Intellectual Property of NMTC and the Recipient will only use the Data for the Project and the Permitted Purpose or otherwise in accordance with any conditions notified to it by NMTC. Nothing in this T&Cs shall be taken to transfer or assign any Intellectual Property rights in the Data to the Recipient.

These Terms & Conditions shall apply to any or all businesses and venues that commence any agreed service with the NMTC.